New Moon Movie Posters – Pick your favorite!

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  • Bare chested Edward please!!

    Thanks, Anonymous!

  • Honestly, I think having the JUST Edward one, is a bad choice…because
    a) its not just about edward
    b) Jacob Black IS ACTUALLY the main character to new moon (main focus)
    and c) Edward is only in half of new moon.

  • I voted for 5 (jacob bella cliff scene). I felt it portrayed the book more. The other posters have to much Edward, he has to small of a role to be the main focus in the poster.

  • Oops I mean 4 not 5.

  • I love the Bella in the Fog one. That one is just gorgeous (even if it isn’t a real poster)

    And number 3. I think. Hmmm…

  • Hi Tina,

    I agree about what you said about Edward. He’s hardly in this story! Although I know Summit is going to find a way to make him more involved. But looks like barechested Edward is winning so far. Do you think that’s just because of the skin showing???? 🙂

  • I really think that the first one should be used for Eclipse. The poster should embrace the whole story. Not just part of it. The one with edward topless just covers the ending. I think that If Edward is in it, So does Jake. Because of that fact that it mainly concerns Jacob and Bella, But Edward was the cause. So he has to have some part of it, but a small sorta like faded part of the poster.
