Last month I revealed that I had written a very exciting ebook novella set in the Unremembered world. (Here’s the post.) It’s called UNDISCOVERED and it’s the story of when Sera and Zen first met and fell in love, told from Zen’s point of view!!!

Is this ringing any bells? I hope so! It comes out appropriately on Valentine’s day (2/14/14) as an eBook exclusive.

And I’m SO excited that the GORGEOUS cover has finally been revealed!

Here ’tis!


I love how this cover fits within the trilogy theme but also is a little bit different. And yes, dandelions DO play an important role in this story!

Official Description:

Before the crash of Freedom Airlines flight 121 . . .

There was a top-secret research compound hidden deep in the desert.
There was a girl held prisoner in a restricted sector.
And there was a boy who found her. And risked everything to set her free.

Romantic and action-packed, Undiscovered is sure to thrill fans of Jessica Brody’s Unremembered trilogy. In this 100-page novella, told from Zen’s point of view, more secrets are revealed about Seraphina’s forgotten past, the corporation that created her, and the boy who fell in love with her.  Undiscovered also includes a sneak peek of Unforgotten, the anticipated second book in the trilogy.

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