Brody Book Hunt #1

Who likes scavenger hunts!? ME!

I travel around so much I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to leave things behind in the various cities I visit…as little mementos for others to find. And thus the idea of the “Brody Book Hunt” was born.

This is what I’ll be doing: In various cities that I visit, I’ll be “hiding” an autographed copy of one of my books somewhere. (Stores, shops, restaurants, etc.) Then I’ll Tweet and Facebook clues about where it is and the secret password you need to claim it.

If you’re the first to find the book, it’s YOURS! Yep, FOR FREE! Just Tweet/Facebook me back to let me know you found it so I can mark it as “claimed.” 
So without further ado, here is the first Brody Book Hunt location:
If you’re in the Dallas area, visit the Yogurtville in Carrollton (on Hebron Pkwy) Tell them, “Karma Sent Me” to claim the prize.
Happy Hunting!

Filed under: Contests & Giveaways

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