UNREMEMBERED sells in the UK!
Very excited to announce that the UNREMEMBERED trilogy (which releases in the states in early 2013) will also be published in the UK by Macmillan Children’s UK!
Here’s the announcement that ran in Publisher’s Weekly today:
UK Children’s
Jessica Brody’s THE UNREMEMBERED TRILOGY, in which a 16-year old girl awakens amongst the wreckage of a devastating plane crash with no memories, the only clue to her identity is a mysterious boy who claims she was part of a top secret science experiment, to Ruth Alltimes at Macmillan Children’s UK, by Alex Webb at Rights People on behalf of Holly Hunnicutt at Macmillan Children’s. Translation: Marianne Merola at Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents
They’ll be releasing the books simultaneously with the U.S. releases so those of you across the pond won’t have to wait any longer than we do over here. Ah….how next year is so far away!
Have a great week, everyone!
Filed under: Big News Foreign Editions