Unremembered Monday: Melissa Walker

Welcome back to the next installment of UNREMEMBERED MONDAY!
What is Unremembered Monday?
In my new book, UNREMEMBERED (the first in a new sci-fi trilogy), the main character Seraphina, wakes up among the wreckage of a devastating plane crash of which she is the only survivor. She has no memories of who she is or her life before the crash but she soon discovers that her memory loss is not simply amnesia. Someone has been erasing memories from her mind.
In honor of the book (which releases March 5), every Monday, I’m featuring an awesome guest author (and book giveaway) and asking them to answer the following question:
Which memory would you most like to be Unremembered?
This week’s guest author is the awesome-sauce-doused Melissa Walker, author of SMALL TOWN SINNERS (which just released in paperback!)
AND in celebration of Unremembered Monday, I’m giving away a copy of SMALL TOWN SINNERS right here on my blog this week!
Melissa was awesome enough to post a video of her Unremembered Monday wish. So here it is! Watch and enjoy!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6dZNrMT2Jw&w=420&h=315]
Thank you SO much, Melissa for participating in UNREMEMBERED MONDAY!
Now let’s giveaway a book! Please use the widget below to enter to win SMALL TOWN SINNERS by Melissa Walker. (Giveaway is open internationally)
Pre-Order Unremembered Today!
Filed under: Unremembered Monday Tagged with: GCC melissa walker small town sinners Unremembered Monday vlog