Unremembered and Unforgotten UK Cover Reveals!

I have been waiting for MONTHS to be able to show you all the GORGEOUS new covers that have been designed for the UK editions of UNREMEMBERED and UNFORGOTTEN! And now the time is finally here!

So I won’t make you wait any longer! HERE THEY ARE!!!

UnrememberedNECWIP    Unforgotten cover

I just can’t tell you how IN LOVE I am with these covers! I love the use of the elements (water is very important in book 1, and fire is very important in book 2!) and of course, the inclusion of the eternal knot from Seraphina’s necklace! They’re just PERFECT!

What do you guys think??? Are you as excited as I am???

UNFORGOTTEN releases in the UK on February 27, 2014! Pre-order now!


Filed under: Big News Books Foreign Editions

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  • I loved the first book (unremenbered) and i wanted so much read de second ( unforgetten) but i’m Brazilian and i don’t fine the the translated book here, i’m so das really

    • Hi, thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed Unremembered. The second and third books will be translated and released from Rocco in Brazil soon.



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