The 2014 UNbelievable Giveaway!

Happy New Year, boys and girls! How is 2014 treating you thus far? I was a BAD BAD author last year. I missed TWO of my promised monthly ARC giveaways!!! *hand slap*
SO! I decided to treat you all to a giveaway of EPIC proportions (Okay, technically, it depends on how you define “epic,” but regardless, I think it’s pretty cool!)
First, here’s all the exciting stuff that’s going on:
UNFORGOTTEN releases in a little over a month! (GAH!)
And the paperback of UNREMEMBERED releases at the end of January (Double GAH!)
AND, if that wasn’t enough, UNDISCOVERED, my eBook novella from Zen’s point of view, releases on Valentine’s Day! (Pause for minor freak out flail. Feel free to read the excerpt here while I finish my freak out.)
So this month, in honor of two thousand FOURteen, I’ve decided to give away FOUR autographed paperbacks of UNREMEMBERED, and FOUR autographed ARCs of UNFORGOTTEN!
That’s EIGHT winners! UNbelievable, right? 🙂
(Oh, and did I mention the paperback of UNREMEMBERED comes with tons of fun bonus content, like two short stories, an interview, AND a reading guide??? Okay, so now I did.)
There are TONS of ways to enter to win (and all of them help spread the word about the trilogy, WIN WIN!) Use the Raffle Copter widget below to enter. Now let’s get to it, shall we?
**Giveaway open to ALL countries!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Filed under: Contests & Giveaways Tagged with: autographed giveaway undiscovered unforgotten unremembered