Unremembered Fan Cast – WINNERS!
Hoorah! We’ve reached the end of the March Madness Unremembered Fan Cast!
You chose the actors, then you voted on each round until we reached the end! So….here are your winners for the roles of SERAPHINA, CODY and ZEN! And I have to say, I LOVE them! Well, done, you guys! Thanks for playing!
Make sure you keep updated on all the official Unremembered Movie news by following the film on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram!
*Remember, these are fan cast picks for the roles of Seraphina, Zen, and Cody (chosen by readers). These are NOT actual castings for the film.
Click here to read more about the Unremembered Film Deal!
Filed under: Books Contests & Giveaways Tagged with: brant daugherty cody dakota goyo fan cast film ryan newman seraphina unremembered zen