A Week of Mondays – Day 4 #BehindtheBook
Day 4!
Date: 9/6/14
Words Written: 914
Total Words to Date: 7391
Pages Written: 4
Total Pages To Date: 31
Chapters Completed: 1
Total Chapters to Date: 7
Time Elapsed: 1 hour
General Mood (1-10): 7
I’m glad I pushed myself to go beyond my daily word count (1500) the last two days because today was a slow one. I got another late start. It was a Saturday. And I was just not feeling motivated to write at all. Which was sad, given that I’m still in the beginning of the book. Again, the plot just felt slow today. I hope it doesn’t feel slow to read! I guess I’ll know when I read it back later. I laid a lot of backstory today so maybe that’s what felt slow. In the end, I only ended up with 900 words. I could force myself to write more but I have another project (secret project!) that I need to wrap up this weekend so it looks like I’m going to have to be happy with 900 words today. Well, it’s better than zero!
In case you missed the first post, I’m live blogging (diary style) the progress of writing my new manuscript, A WEEK OF MONDAYS (which will be released by FSG/Macmillan in Spring 2016), to give fellow writers (and readers) an inside look into my writing process.
Click here to read the first post or you can follow all the posts by clicking here.
Filed under: Behind the Book Tagged with: A Week of Mondays behind the book