A Week of Mondays – Day 5 #BehindtheBook
Week 1 is almost over! Here’s my recap for day 5!
Date: 9/7/14
Words Written: 1649
Total Words to Date: 9040 (almost to 10k!)
Pages Written: 5
Total Pages To Date: 36
Chapters Completed: 1
Total Chapters to Date: 8
Time Elapsed: 1.5 hours
General Mood (1-10): 6
You’ll notice my word count went up since yesterday but my mood went down…again. I’ll tell ya, I’m struggling! Struggling to find my groove through the middle of this first Monday. Uh oh. I just realized what I’ve done to myself. I’ve written a book with SEVEN Mondays. Which means they’ll be SEVEN middles! What have I done!?
Seriously though. There were good parts about today’s word count, but most if it just felt kind of blah. Like it lacked sparkle. I keep convincing myself that I can add sparkle later. For now, I have to get the bones down. The foundation. I keep reminding myself of what I tell everyone. “You have to build the house before you can decorate it.” So here I am. Building the dang house. I am actually excited about what I have on my plate to write for tomorrow. There’s some physical comedy coming up that I think will be really fun.
I also found a new way to introduce a necessary character that I think works better than it did in my outline! WAHOO! But to be honest, I spent most of the day looking at pictures of hot guys in search of my muse for one particular character. And I think I finally found him….after many, MANY photos. Yeah, my job can really suck sometimes! 🙂
In case you missed the first post, I’m live blogging (diary style) the progress of writing my new manuscript,  A WEEK OF MONDAYS (which will be released by FSG/Macmillan in Spring 2016), to give fellow writers (and readers) an inside look into my writing process.
Click here to read the first post or you can follow all the posts by clicking here.
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