A Week of Mondays – Day 6 #BehindtheBook
Date: 9/8/14
Words Written: 1492 (Columbus sailed the ocean blue?)
Total Words to Date: 10532 (10k! Milestone reached!)
Pages Written: 7
Total Pages To Date: 43
Chapters Completed: 2
Total Chapters to Date: 10
Time Elapsed: 1 hour (speedy gonzales!)
General Mood (1-10): 8
WOO HOO! I bounced back today! Bounce Bounce Bounce! I went from a 6 mood rating (yesterday) to an 8 (today). And it felt good. The words came FAST today too. 7 pages in an hour. I was cruisin! The chapters I just wrote are a bit bare-boned and skimpy right now but I like what I have down. I can always expand on it later. It’s nice to have a shape that you feel good about. I got to return to my new favorite character and he is just so much fun to write! Every time he’s on the page it seems like the dialogue kind of lights up and takes on a life of its own (that probably accounts for my elevated mood today!) I can’t tell you who it is because I want you to read the book and (hopefully) fall in love with him on your own.
I haven’t gone back to touch the prologue (my previous problem area) in a few days. Actually I’ve done very little reviewing lately. Just plugging away and moving forward. I’ve already started filling up my “Second Draft To Do” list (where I notate all the things I need to focus on in the next draft.) Keeping note of these things instead of actually implementing them when I think of them keeps my forward momentum alive and the story moving. Otherwise, I get too bogged down with changing things, which can be detrimental to momentum this early in my process.
In case you missed the first post, I’m live blogging (diary style) the progress of writing my new manuscript, A WEEK OF MONDAYS (which will be released by FSG/Macmillan in Spring 2016), to give fellow writers (and readers) an inside look into my writing process. And maybe give me a little insight as well!
Click here to read the first post or you can follow all the posts by clicking here.
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