There’s No Such Thing as an Aspiring Writer

If you’re a writer you know it. It’s in your blood. In your DNA. You see stories everywhere. You live in a world of words. I meet writers all the time who say, “Well, I’m trying to be a writer.” Or “I’m an aspiring writer.” That’s like saying, “I’m an aspiring human being.”

Don’t let labels like “published,” “award-winning,” “bestseller” or any other take away what is rightfully yours. You don’t have to wait for something to happen to you before you can own this part of yourself. You don’t require any validation except your own. No one thing or accomplishment makes you a writer. You make you a writer. So the next time someone asks you what you do, own it! Be it! Declare it to the universe.

Say, “I’m a writer.” Because you are.


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