
After her boyfriend breaks up with her on the worst day of her life, sixteen-year-old Ellie finds herself reliving the same horrible Monday over and over and decides to use her unique situation to reinvent herself in an attempt to save her relationship.
Chosen as “Best Book of the Month” on Amazon!
Now in Paperback!
Full Summary:
When I made the wish, I just wanted a do-over. Another chance to make things right. I never, in a million years, thought it might actually come true…
Sixteen-year-old Ellison Sparks is having a serious case of the Mondays. She gets a ticket for running a red light, she manages to take the world’s worst school picture, she bombs softball try-outs and her class election speech (note to self: never trust a cheerleader when she swears there are no nuts in her bake-sale banana bread), and to top it all off, Tristan, her gorgeous rocker boyfriend suddenly dumps her. For no good reason!
As far as Mondays go, it doesn’t get much worse than this. And Ellie is positive that if she could just do it all over again, she would get it right. So when she wakes up the next morning to find she’s reliving the exact same day, she knows what she has to do: stop her boyfriend from breaking up with her. But it seems no matter how many do-overs she gets or how hard Ellie tries to repair her relationship, Tristan always seems bent set on ending it. Will Ellie ever figure out how to fix this broken day? Or will she be stuck in this nightmare of a Monday forever?
From the author 52 Reasons to Hate My Father and The Unremembered trilogy comes a hilarious and heartwarming story about second (and third and fourth and fifth) chances. Because sometimes it takes a whole week of Mondays to figure out what you really want.
Click here to Download the first 9 Chapters FREE!

Genre: Contemporary/Magical Realism Young Adult Fiction
Age Range: 12 and up
Publisher: Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books for Young Readers (an imprint of Macmillan)
Original Release Date: August 2, 2016
Available Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
ISBN-10: 0374382700 (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-0374382704 (Hardcover)
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