Ever since Jessica Brody first started writing The Fidelity Files she had a vision of seeing her characters come to life on a screen. At the time, the idea of using trailers to promote books was just starting to become popular so Jessica got the idea to produce one of her own. She contacted her good friend, Jerry Brunskill, a director, producer and composer in Santa Monica and requested his help in shooting a myriad of scenes to represent key elements of the book’s story. At the time, the novel was still in its early stages and Jessica already had several ideas for not only the first book, but also a sequel. She and Jerry decided to shoot footage for all of these ideas so that they would have enough to represent both books, should a sequel ever be written. Well, it appears to have been a smart move as Jessica finished writing the sequel, now titled, Love Under Cover, last year and it’s slated for release on November 10, 2009. Click here to find out more about the Love Under Cover trailer. |