A Great Review and a Gift from Brazil!
This just in! The Brazilian cover for Karma Club has long last been revealed. TA DA!
Isn’t it gorgeous? I just want to eat it up! Okay, perhaps I’ll simply frame it and put it on my wall. Purple is my favorite color, so I’m just loving this one! Thanks, Brazil! And side question: how can I get that dress in my size. I adore it!
The book releases in Brazil on May 27th! So if you live there (I wish I did!) then go pick it up next Friday! And if you haven’t seen the Brazilian book trailer, watch it here.
Okay, in other good news, this great review just came in from the School Library Journal for MY LIFE UNDECIDED. And let me tell ya, it definitely made my day!
“Brooklyn is a sympathetic protagonist with whom teens will identify. Her journey is fun to read, and decision-challenged readers will learn an important lesson about self-acceptance along the way.”
–School Library Journal
Woo hoo! More evidence to support the fact that I truly still am a teen and never did grow up past age 15. But hey, I’ll take it!
That’s all I got for now. Except to say that MY LIFE UNDECIDED comes out in (yikes!) 17 days! And The Karma Club Paperback edition releases on TUESDAY! Be sure to hit stores and pick up a copy. It’s got LOADS of bonus stuff in it.
Tchau! Ate mais! (That’s bye and later in Portuguese) 🙂
Filed under: Foreign Editions Press Tagged with: Foreign Editions karma club brazil My Life Undecided Reviews The Karma Club