UNFORGOTTEN ARC Giveaway – August
Hey awesome readers! I just received a box full of very gorgeous UNFORGOTTEN ARCs! (See pics below!) UNFORGOTTEN is the second book in the UNREMEMBERED trilogy and it will be released on February 25, 2014 which is a little less than 7 months away! WOOT!
Opening the box (Puppy thinks it’s full of treats)
SO gorgeous!
I totally geeked out when I put them on the shelf next to UNREMEMBERED!
And to make the time until February 25th go by faster, I decided to host an ARC giveaway every month until the book releases (That’s SEVEN giveaways!) Each giveaway will be slightly different and some might require you to dust off your creative skills. 🙂
So without further ado, here are the details for the first giveaway!
August ARC Giveaway: “Why are YOU excited about UNFORGOTTEN?”
Create a video or visual representation showing us why YOU are excited about the release of UNFORGOTTEN in February!
2 ARCs up for grabs!
1) Your visual can be ANYTHING (video, drawing, photo, trailer, pinterest board, animation, fan art, fan poster, music video, you talking to the camera–the sky is the limit! Whatever inspires you! BE CREATIVE!)
2) Your visual MUST be posted online somewhere (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blog, Instagram, YouTube, etc.)
3) You must use the Raffle Copter widget below to officially enter (you will be prompted to enter a URL to your visual). You’ll also have other chances to enter!
4) 2 ARCs will be given away: 1 to a random entry and 1 to the best visual submitted! At the end of the month, I’ll post 10 finalists and YOU all will get to vote for your favorite!
5) HAVE FUN!!! Points will be rewarded for creativity!
**NOTE: you don’t have to create a visual to enter, you can simply enter using the other methods in the Raffle Copter widget below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for tuning in! Have fun!
Filed under: Big News Books Contests & Giveaways Tagged with: ARC giveaway unforgotten unremembered trilogy