Revisions and Cruises and Holidays!

Hey all! Sorry for the LONG gap between blog posts. Things have been quite busy over here. I FINALLY finished the second draft of UNREMEMBERED, the first book in my upcoming sci-fi trilogy! I’m really excited about how the revision came out and now my fingers are TIGHTLY crossed that my editor is just as excited!

The hubby and I celebrated the completion of the manuscript by taking a quick last-minute cruise to the Caribbean. It was so amazing and JUST what I needed.

Here are few of my favorite pics from the cruise!

Hanging with our new friend, “Mickey” at the Roatan Marine Sciences Institute in Honduras!
Very excited to have my lovely SeaPass card!
Saying goodbye to Miami.
My “Statue of Liberty” pose, complete with napkin hat provided by Angel, our  kick-ass waiter!
Showing off my SUPER stylish motion sickness pressure point wristbands!

So, now I’m relaxing at the in-laws house in Dallas, getting ready for a BIG Texas Christmas! I hope everyone has a very happy holidays!

Peace on Earth,

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